Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thief in the Night

While in Port Angeles today, we hit the book jackpot at Goodwill. For $13.65, we got 37 books with a retail price of $248.00!

Storytime Thursday

My friend, Jeannine, invited us to Storytime this morning. Maddie and Steitler really enjoyed the story and made themselves right at home.

Am I the only one that get nervous when my children raise their hands and answer a question?!


On Wednesday we went the library for a science program from the Pacific Science Center. Our scientist, Kate, was fabulous. The program lasted for over an hour and was all about gas, liquids, and solids. I would like to think that I had forgotten all this stuff, but honestly, there may be a slight chance that I never knew what I learned yesterday. The program was fun, but truly educational, too. We now know that liquid nitrogen is -319 degrees and that gases take up 729 times as much room as liquids, among other things. Go figure.

Seriously, the room erupted in noise when Kate performed the trick below. She ate a piece of graham cracker after it came out of the liquid nitrogen.
With Kate

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Photo Shoot

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

Music in the Park

Sequim is having Music in the Park on Tuesday nights this summer.

Steitler "dancing"
The big screen is where they were showing Grease after the concert. We stayed until 9:15pm and it was still not dark enough to see. This photo was taken about 8:15pm. It is 10: 10pm here and now and the sun is still setting to the West. While it seems thrilling to have daylight that long, bedtime is almost cruel since it is still so sunny out. The sun rises again around 4:30am.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Under My Umbrella

Sometimes when you vow to eat each summer lunch on the deck, you have to improvise.


"Music can change the world because it can change people." - -- Bono

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today was Maddie's last day of kindergarten! Maddie with her teacher, Ms. Shea
After-school deck picnic
1st grader!

Summertime Sunshine

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


We saw Nana off at the airport on Saturday night.

Father's Day


Since Steitler and Nana did not get to go on the Field Trip to Sequim Bay, we went on Saturday morning during low tide.

Sea stars

Eel Bright orange sea star

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Friday - Dungeness Refuge

Steitler with a crab claw

The two Bald Eagles we saw. (One is at the top and one at the bottom)

Steitler throwing stones